Dimock's in Jamaica - In Tom1
Home Jamaica Residence 2010 2010-2

Gardening - November 18 - December 16

With most of our construction done, we've been able to turn our attention from the house itself to the yards and gardens. The back yard immediately behind the house is undergoing quite a revision, with the addition of an outdoor laundry sink and a patio where we can escape from the late afternoon sun. The size of the yards has increased quite a bit as we have pushed back the jungle to give us better protection from the dry season wildfires. The plants from last year almost all survived and thrived, and JC has been adding quite a few more, with the enthusiastic help of our gardening consultant Tai Jean.

When we're not working outdoors, JC has been quilting quite a bit, completing the applique work on a red-tailed hawk for the Ellis Hollow quilt, and starting on the horse chestnut square in a set of four squares she is working on. Tom has done some mosaic, starting on a second column on the porch, and some sculpture, assembling two bug "kits" that were given to us by our friend Dr. Evermor.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, and hope to see a few of you down here over the next couple of months!

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